ひたち野みずべ公園 (牛久市)で2018年3月18日桜が開花(5部咲きくらい)!オオカンザクラの撮影

オオカンザクラ ってソメイヨシノよりもピンクが濃くて可愛い


I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

桜と言えばソメイヨシノがメジャーだけど、ここ「ひたち野みずべ公園」では ソメイヨシノよりも一週間ほど早く咲く「オオカンザクラ」が植えられています。


I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.



I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.


I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.


I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

I took these flowers at the Hitachino Mizube Park in Tsukuba on March 18, 2018. This year the cherry trees are blooming early.

今日主に使ったレンズはCanon 単焦点マクロレンズ EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM フルサイズ対応、普段はマクロレンズはあまり使わないけど桜や梅の花の時期にはこれを使います。明るいレンズで背景が綺麗にぼけるし、手ブレ補正がついているからすごくいい。


 桜 を見に行こう ひたちの水辺公園の場所

面積: 60,276m2
遊具: ローラー滑り台、ターザンロープ(2018年3月現在使用禁止-牛久市がいずれ直してくれるといいですが)、砂場

